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Fiber chip seal

Synchronous fiber chip seal

① Definition
Fiber chip seal technology is a new road construction and maintenance technology to synchronously spray asphalt binders and glass fiber with special fiber sprayer, then spread chips, rolling compact to build new wearing course or stress absorption course.

a. Fibers reinforce the pavement structure to prevent cracking;
b. Fibers absorb asphalt to improve the adhension of asphalt and minerals.
c. Fibers performs strong stability at high temperature to prevent asphalt from flowing in summer;
d. Fibers perform functions of crack resistance and toughening to prevent pavement cracking in cold weather and improve waterproof ability.

The fiber are cut and crushed with exclusive process and spread evenly in different directions and overlapped with each other between the two even layers of asphalt binders, which knits mesh structure to stick to the asphalt binders. This structure effectively improves the comprehensive mechanical properties of sealing coat in tensile, shear, crush resistance and shock resistance. The principle is just like that a piece of protective mesh of high elasticity and high strength is paved between the surface coat and new roadbed, or on the original road surface.